Smart Invoice is a unique feature in the Dental Bot 3D system that allows you to generate invoices automatically based on a preliminary treatment that was created. Why Smart? The calculation of the preliminary cost of prosthetics or aesthetic rehabilitation is carried out with one click in the Doctor's office. The invoice is automatically created based on the clinic price list and the result of the patient consultation.
How does it work? During the patient consultation process, a step-by-step form is filled out, each stage of which allows you to visualize the pathology and options for prosthetics. After creating an option of patient rehabilitation, the result of preliminary planning is saved. The saved data goes into a separate section called “Doctor's Office”. After opening the record, it is necessary to go to the “Smart Invoice” section and click on the “Create a Smart Invoice” button. After this action, a table with the basic cost of each item is generated, as well as a calculation of the total cost. The invoice can be edited. It is possible to replace items and add new ones in random mode as well as on the basis of paragraphs with prices from the price list. The prices of each item can be edited with automatic recalculation of the total cost.
Smart Invoice is available for saving in PDF format, which allows you to print out preliminary treatment plans with their cost. The planning results and financial calculations are automatically saved in the cloud database and are available on other devices in the clinic, which allows the administrator to record data and print out documents.
Smart Invoices are created on the basis of a previously filled out price list in the corresponding section in the Account Control Panel on the website. It is necessary to fill out the table with prices only once and edit it according to the changes. This section is very simple and intuitive. It is very important that the price list has a flexible structure and allows you to create new items, as well as set prices for different types of materials and services.
First of all, it is necessary to specify the currency in which prices will be shown. Then you need to fill out the basic items. They are components of the tooth formula that is formed after creating a treatment plan in the Dental Bot 3D system. Filling out these items allows you to create an invoice with one click in the Doctor's Office after creating a preliminary treatment plan. Enter the prices for the dental services you use most often (default). For example, if your clinic most often uses the implants of one company and the price for the installation of the implant is fixed, then add it. The table allows you to change the name of this item.
Then the system allows you to add new items. We suggest you to enter other options for the already filled out items in the second stage. Thus, you can create service groups with different options. This can be done by adding items using a special button.
For example, if in the base positions you specified the default “Zirconia crown”, then specify another type of crown, “Ceramic crown” and in another paragraph specify that it belongs to the “Crowns” group. Thus, after creating a basic Smart Invoice, you can select a type of crown, a price will be changed in accordance with the price list.
The last stage is to enter prices for items that do not belong to already existing groups, thereby creating your own service group. For example: bone grafting, sinus lifting or restoration of a tooth stump.
After filling out and editing the price list, do not forget to save the changes by clicking on the corresponding button.
Use Smart Invoices in your daily practice as part of digital patient consultation.