How to motivate a patient for implantation, if they are convinced of the right choice of a removable denture with full adentia?
This is one of the most pressing issues in modern dentistry in cases where the patient has many years of experience in using full removable dentures. Today, it has been repeatedly proven that soft tissues are not designed to carry a chewing load and have the ability to become thinner. Atrophy of the gums leads to a decrease in the volume of the bone tissue of the alveolar ridge. The obstacle to the patient's understanding this problem is that the negative consequences of using full removable dentures appear after several years. The observation of such a slow process by the patient is often impossible. And therefore, after the loss of fixation of the denture due to a change in the topography of the mucosa, the patient again chooses this type of prosthetics.
The task of any modern orthopedist is to convince the patient of the right choice of a more reliable, delicate and durable structure that will not lead to atrophy of bone tissue.
The Dental Bot 3D desktop application was developed to solve similar problems.
The program will help the dentist to visualize the patient's dental problem and will offer to choose one of two current options for the prosthetics of toothless jaws. After selecting a removable denture, demonstrate it to the future client. Use the comments on this structure to emphasize the irrelevance of the long-term use of this denture. Use motivational content and show the patient the processes that can occur during the use of a removable denture.
Use the option to select an alternative structure. Select an implantation and go with the patient by creating a modern denture on implants.
At the first stage, demonstrate to the patient the two main schemes for placing implants on toothless jaws. Use the additional menu for more detailed information on each type of creating a support.
At the next stage, view with the patient the main types of structures on implants that are used on toothless jaws. Pay attention to the training and motivational content hidden in the additional menus. View video and photo sliders together with your future client for detailed information on each type of prosthetics on implants. Recommend the most optimal structure to the patient in your opinion. Visualize it at the last stage before saving and demonstrate to the patient the delicacy of this denture in comparison with the full removable denture. View the structure in detail together with the patient using a unique 3D formula on the Dental Bot 3D platform. Explain the function of each component to the patient in order to fully understand this technique of prosthetics.
Also, demonstrate to the patient possible additional procedures and techniques that may be required during the implantation process:
- surgical template;
- sinus-lifting;
- bone grafting or bone block grafting;
- gingival plastic surgery ;
- orthodontic treatment to create a place for implantation when teeth are displaced towards the defect.
Save this version of the treatment plan. Save and print versions of rehabilitation plans for the patient on paper. Create an active link for the patient to view the 3D treatment plan and send it to them using any messenger or email. Give the patient the opportunity to explore options for prosthetics outside the clinic, as well as consult with family and friends.
Create a unique service for your clients and turn consultations into an interactive digital game, in which the patient will feel involved in the world of high digital technologies. This will help distinguish your dental business from other companies and create an image-based approach to working with clients.