How to prepare a patient for veneering and total restoration of teeth with crowns?
For this purpose, a special module has been developed that is used in the Dental Bot 3D application. The aesthetic module helps to visualize the main types of restorations that can be used in modern dentistry, as well as the tooth preparation techniques. The section contains information on what volumes of restorations should be used to improve the aesthetics of a particular patient. And also on what soft tissue procedures should be used to achieve an ideal result.
After logging in to the application, select the type of dental problem “Imperfect tooth shape”. Go through a few steps and show the patient the basic information that it is necessary to know before planning aesthetic rehabilitation. Use the standard 3D formula to demonstrate the volumes of preparation of healthy teeth for different types of restorations.
The next step is to decide on the mode for creating a visualization. “Random selection of restorations” will allow you to simulate any clinical case and to learn more about each type and step of restorations. “Restoration selection by smile type” will allow you to consider standard clinical cases, which accelerates the process of creating visualization.
When selecting the “Random selection of restorations” mode, it is proposed to go through three stages of creating a visualization. At the first stage, you can select the teeth that will be restored with veneers. In 3D formula, selected teeth with prepared surfaces and veneers are displayed instantly. Use the menu with additional visualizations to demonstrate selected restoration techniques.
At the next stage, it is necessary to specify the teeth that are planned to be covered with crowns. Show the patient the difference between tooth preparation for crowns and veneers using 3D formula. At the last stage of editing, select composite restorations.
Before saving, study the rehabilitation plan and show the patient a comprehensive solution. Use the additional information menu to demonstrate techniques for improving aesthetics by reshaping soft tissue, as appropriate.
When selecting the “Restoration selection by smile type” mode before creating a treatment plan, follow the principle presented in the first steps of the module. Specify how many teeth are visualized when the patient smiles and recommend the required number of restorations. Offer one of the three types of restorations that are most commonly used in modern dentistry. Explore more information and view motivational content related to these types of restorations. Visualize the treatment plan and show the patient the volumes of tooth preparation. Then show how the products designed to create a beautiful smile will look like. Go a step back to change the type of restoration and demonstrate another way to improve aesthetics.
Save this version of the rehabilitation plan if it is the most optimal one or create several plans for the patient to make a decision. Create PDF documents with different plans using the doctor's panel and generate links for your client to view restoration plans outside the clinic.